Translated, this means (roughly): "For two hours I have been roaming the streets nervously and restlessly, but I cannot find the man whom I gave my soul." It's the first verse of the song "Callejeo," which I will be singing at Linda McNeil's studio recital on Sunday. It's a Spanish-themed recital, and the program is organized by the eras wherein the different composers lived. My composer was Enrique Granados, who lived in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth. My song, although I don't actually like it very much, is very different from the other songs that will be sung at the recital. The other songs are mostly slow, long ballads. Mine is fast (ridiculously so) and short, and I have to sing it twice in order to get it to sound like it's even a moderate length. Dr. McNeil is working on getting me to be expressive with the piece, but since I've never haunted the streets of Spain with passionate revenge against a man who betrayed me, it's a tiny bit difficult. I'd better get my heart broken before this week ends so I can sing on Sunday like I know what I'm singing about.
Art in Music by Jennifer Miller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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